petak, 27.01.2012.



Gas Refrigerator How It Works

gas refrigerator how it works

    gas refrigerator
  • An absorption refrigerator is a refrigerator that uses a heat source (e.g., solar, kerosene-fueled flame) to provide the energy needed to drive the cooling system.

    it works
  • Information Technology Works, Inc. abbreviated IT Works was founded in 1987 as a United States based, privately owned software development company that specializes in financial, personnel and grant (money) management software for college, university, research and healthcare administrators.

Gov. Sarah Palin announced today that she will resign in a few weeks

Gov. Sarah Palin announced today that she will resign in a few weeks

Here is the transcript of Palin's speech....doesn't really say much....the only thing people want to know is why....and you wont find those answers in her speech.

Posted by Anchorage Daily News
Posted: July 3, 2009 - 2:17 pm
Gov. Sarah Palin:

Hi Alaska, I appreciate speaking directly TO you, the people I serve, as your Governor.

People who know me know that besides faith and family, nothing's more important to me than our beloved Alaska. Serving her people is the greatest honor I could imagine.

I want Alaskans to grasp what can be in store for our state. We were purchased as a territory because a member of President Abe Lincoln's cabinet, William Seward, providentially saw in this great land, vast riches, beauty, strategic placement on the globe, and opportunity. He boldly looked "North to the Future". But he endured such ridicule and mocking for his vision for Alaska, remember the adversaries scoffed, calling this "Seward's Folly". Seward withstood such disdain as he chose the uncomfortable, unconventional, but RIGHT path to secure Alaska, so Alaska could help secure the United States.

Alaska’s mission – to contribute to America. We’re strategic IN the world as the air crossroads OF the world, as a gatekeeper of the continent. Bold visionaries knew this - Alaska would be part of America's great destiny.

Our destiny to be reached by responsibly developing our natural resources. This land, blessed with clean air, water, wildlife, minerals, AND oil and gas. It's energy! God gave us energy.

So to serve the state is a humbling responsibility, because I know in my soul that Alaska is of such import, for America’s security, in our very volatile world. And you know me by now, I promised even four years ago to show MY independence… no more conventional “politics as usual”.

And we are doing well! My administration's accomplishments speak for themselves. We work tirelessly for Alaskans.

We aggressively and responsibly develop our resources because they were created to be used to better our world... to HELP people... and we protect the environment and Alaskans (the resource owners) foremost with our policies.

Here’s some of the things we’ve done:

We created a petroleum integrity office to oversee safe development. We held the line FOR Alaskans on Point Thomson – and finally for the first time in decades – they’re drilling for oil and gas.

We have AGIA, the gasline project – a massive bi-partisan victory (the vote was 58 to 1!) – also succeeding as intended - protecting Alaskans as our clean natural gas will flow to energize us, and America, through a competitive, pro-private sector project. This is the largest private sector energy project, ever. THIS is energy independence.

And ACES – another bipartisan effort – is working as intended and industry is publicly acknowledging its success. Our new oil and gas “clear and equitable formula” is so Alaskans will no longer be taken advantage of. ACES incentivizes NEW exploration and development and JOBS that were previously not going to happen with a monopolized North Slope oil basin.

We cleaned up previously accepted unethical actions; we ushered in bi-partisan Ethics Reform.

We also slowed the rate of government growth, we worked with the Legislature to save billions of dollars for the future, and I made no lobbyist friends with my hundreds of millions of dollars in budget vetoes... but living beyond our means today is irresponsible for tomorrow.

We took government out of the dairy business and put it back into private-sector hands – where it should be.

We provided unprecedented support for education initiatives, and with the right leadership, finally filled long-vacant public safety positions. We built a sub-Cabinet on Climate Change and took heat from Outside special interests for our biologically-sound wildlife management for abundance.

We broke ground on the new prison.

And we made common sense conservative choices to eliminate personal luxuries like the jet, the chef, the junkets... the entourage.

And the Lt. Governor and I said "no" to our pay raises. So much success in this first term – and with this success I am proud to take credit... for hiring the right people! Our goal was to achieve a gasline project, more fair oil and gas valuation, and ethics reform in four years. We did it in two. It’s because of the people… good public servants surrounding the Governor's office, with servants' hearts and astounding work ethic... THEY are Alaska's success!

We are doing well! I wish you'd hear MORE from the media of your state's progress and how we tackle Outside interests - daily - SPECIAL interests that would stymie our state. Even those debt-ridden stimulus dollars that would force the heavy hand of federal government into our communities with an “all-knowing attitude” – I have taken the slings and arrows with that unpopular move to veto because I know being right is better than being popular. Some of those dollars would h

Variegated Meadowhawk (Sympetrum corruptum)

Variegated Meadowhawk (Sympetrum corruptum)

Live (!) scans of an anesthetized dragonfly. I'm trying a new technique I saw in a book. Since dragonflies lose their color very quickly after death, it's very hard to take anatomically-useful photos of dragonflies that show their living colors.

This technique sounds a bit cruel, but I was impressed with how it worked -- this dragonfly revived nicely.

1. Catch a dragonfly.
2. Chill the dragonfly in the refrigerator for 10 minutes or so.
3. Transfer the dragonfly to a Ziploc bag. Fill the bag with gas from a "dust-off" compressed gas can (the stuff I used contained diflouroethane).
4. In five minutes or so, the dragonfly will be unconscious but still alive.
5. Scan the dragonfly, using a mouse-pad with a rectangular hole cut into it to avoid squishing the insect.
6. Allow the insect to recover, then release (or kill if the specimen is to be preserved).

The method seems to have worked -- the dragonfly was alive in these scans. Its colors were accurate "life" colors.

Here is the bugaboo for this shot:
What the heck happened with the weird chromatic aberation around the dragonfly's abdomen? Weird. I'm not sure that my scanner has enough depth of focus for this sort of work (there are some out of focus areas in the wings).
Dragonfly-entomologists use this technique outdoors, with a generator, laptop, scanner, and chilling table.

gas refrigerator how it works

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